Video format for Kayenne clipstore
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Anyone know what format video should be used for Kayenne clipstore?
Yes, but the server does not have the ability to directly import a sequence, unlike the internal RAM-based Imagestore. If you use Quicktime Pro you can import a sequence of stills with alpha and then export using the settings I mentioned. This will import into the server and be converted to the native codec as it is imported.
EDIT>> I found out that in fact the US frame rate for i footage 29.97 is not the frame rate which QT7 produces on a Windows machine when exporting slide shows. It outputs 29.96. The ImageStore doesn't have a problem with this but the K2 servers do. Apple Pro support who spoke to me say that Quick Time is not a product anymore and will not have any changes.
However, if you have any kind of Non-Linear-Editor able to make either MOV or AVI with an uncompressed codec (Animation for MOV or Uncompressed RGBA AVI for Windows) then the servers will be fine. QT inherits frame rates from movies so the AVI to MOV conversion will be good.
As Apple say, almost every Mac product makes perfect MOVs by default.
As an addition to the K2's capability, when licensed, you can combine files into one clip. In other words, a matte and fill running together in a single clip using a single timecode, single filename, with multiple audio on a single channel.
For the Clipstore - a K2 server - use MOV with alpha channels - make these using QT7 PRo set to export in Animation Codec with "millions of colors" and all I frames. This is an uncompressed file which can also be imported to the ImageStore providing you name it correctly. (4 figure number between 1 and 8999)
For the clipstore you can also import AVI files made with the AVC-I codec - but they don't have alpha channels.
For the Imagestore you can import almost any stills files in sequences or MOV or AVI uncompressed RGBA. If you don't need alpha channels you can also import MP4.
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Thank you. So if I want to import a sequence of targa files for a wipe effect, the clipstore can accommodate?