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question/hints: how to set up a network with 2020/2010

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User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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hi all!
we have two 2020 and a 2010 and want to set up a network to exchange project files. is there an "easy" way to do that and/or are there any traps I better not step in? please let me know!

thanks in advance!

User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Sep 2006
whow, I am impressed and thanks million times for that really detailed description! now I hope we could get it working... flo
Atul Vaidya
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Ok, Networking on Axial 2010 and 2020 is not as easy as what we have now. I have tried following procedure and it worked, but was nor easy as I thought. Following guidelines must be followed when using the Ethernet utility: ? You can only copy files to the Axial you are working on. ? You must type the entire path name for the file you want to copy. No file listing is displayed in the File Manager window for Ethernet devices at this time. ? Remotely editing, moving, or deleting files on other devices accessed via Ethernet is not supported. ? All parameters are case sensitive! Be sure you have entered them as listed below! The following guidelines must be followed to make sure the Ethernet utility operates properly. A terminal, connected to the Axial chassis terminal port, is required for some of these setups. * An Ethernet transceiver is required for Ethernet operations. * All external Ethernet devices must be connected and configured for Ethernet communication. * Two Axial boot parameters (inet on Ethernet (e) and flags (f)), must be configured for Ethernet communication, e.g., inet on ethernet (e) : (example address) and flags (f) : 0xc00a (example). These changes must be made using an external terminal. NOTE: The necessary boot parameters mentioned above will be configured automatically if you use the new boot prom included with version 4.0 software. If you need to change the boot parameters via the external terminal, the DIP switches on the Axial CPU board must be changed to retain the settings in NV RAM. (Set switch 1 to the LEFT on the Axial 2020 and switch 1 to the DOWN position on the Axial 2010. See Appendix B for more information on these settings.) * You must configure a new Axial file labeled /sys/host.cmds to include the proper settings for the host Axial. Please refer to the section below titled To configure the host.cmds file: for more information. WARNING: DO NOT DELETE THE FILE host.cmds OR THE AXIAL WILL NOT BOOT. ALSO, CHANGES HAVE BEEN MADE TO THE AXIAL startup.cmds FILE TO SUPPORT THIS FEATURE. THEREFORE, DO NOT USE THE startup.cmds FILE FROM PREVIOUS SOFTWARE OR YOUR AXIAL MAY NOT BOOT PROPERLY. * After making changes to boot parameters or the host.cmds file, you must re-boot the system to read the changes. To Use the Ethernet Feature: Once you have re-booted, allowing all your settings to be read into the system, you must follow the operational procedures listed below to ensure proper communications with your external ethernet device. Keystroke Function * On the Axial keyboard, press File Mngr Opens the File Manager window. * Press REMOTE (in the User Window) Opens the Remote window. * Highlight the name of the desired ethernet device to copy a file from. * Press Enter Selects the desired Ethernet device to transfer files from. The Axial prompts you with the message ?Remote Host set to ...? ensuring the proper selection was made. * Press Net (in the User Window) Accesses the selected Ethernet device through the ethernet network. The selected ethernet host is shown in the File Manager window next to the NET drive icon as ?Current Remote Host: ? and the path is also shown. Once a Remote Host has been selected, you can now copy a file from the remote device to the Axial you are working from. To Copy an EDL from another Axial system: Keystroke Function * Press File Mngr Accesses Axial file manager * Press Net Accesses the current ethernet host * Type in the path and the name of the file you want to copy (example: /lists/file.edl) * Press Copy, in the user panel * Select the destination disk, directory path, and filename on the destination Axial. * Press Enter To connect an external Ethernet device: Keystroke Function * Connect the 15-pin ?D? connector cable to the E-NET port on the back of the Axial chassis. This external device can be another Axial chassis or another type of ethernet device. (Please consult the User Manual of the external device for more information.) To connect a RS-232 terminal: Keystroke Function For Axial 2020 models:* Connect the cable to the terminal port (S-2 (25 pin) on the 2020, ?Terminal? (9 pin) on the 2010) port on the back of the Axial chassis Allows the use of a dumb terminal for engineering commands in configuring the system. For more information contact Accom Technical Support. * Set the terminal up for the following communication parameters:baud rate = 9600data bits = 8stop bit = 1parity = none Ensures proper communication between the Axial and the terminal computer. Any terminal emulation program works for this purpose. * Press (Return) Ensures that the terminal is receiving commands from the Axial. If you don?t see the ?->? symbol, the Axial is not communicating properly with the terminal computer. Re-check all cable connections and the terminal program settings. To change Boot Parameters: Keystroke Function * Type BootChange (on the terminal keyboard) Brings up the first line of the Axial?s Boot Parameters list. * Press (return) until the line labeled:host nameis displayed Scrolls down the Boot Parameter list. * Type the host name of the Axial system you wish to configure. Configures the Boot Parameters for your Axial system. This must be a unique host name. * Press (return) until the line labeled:inet on ethernet (e)is displayed Scrolls down the Boot Parameter list. * Type the ethernet ID number of the Axial system you wish to configure. Configures the Boot Parameters for your Axial system. This must be a unique host number and must match the number entered in the host.cmds file (discussed later). The number must conform to the following format:# . # . # . # Note: If you use the Axial boot prom included with version 4.0 software, this step is optional. The new boot prom comes configured with the inet on ethernet address set to However, you can use these directions to change the address if needed. For example, the number might be used. When configuring another Axial on the enthernet network, you might use a similar number with the last digit changed (i.e. WARNING: AN ETHERNET ADDRESS MUST EXIST FOR AXIAL TO BOOT WITH VERSION 4.0 SOFTWARE. Note: You cannot type over the existing number. Simply enter the new value where the cursor is on the screen. If you make a mistake, type "-" to back up one line. Or press Return to step through the entire Boot Parameter list and begin over again. * Press (return) until the line labeled:flags (f)is displayed Scrolls down the Boot Parameter list. * Type 0xc00a Enables the system for ethernet communication.Note: the value 0xc00a is comprised of the number zero, not the letter O. * Press (return) until you reach the end of the Boot Parameters list and the following line is displayed on the terminal screen:New boot string:followed by the new Boot Parameters. All the Boot Parameters are listed allowing you to double check the entries you have made. If you have made any mistakes, you must start over. To change DIP Switch Settings: Operation Function * On the front of the Axial chassis, locate the board labeled CPU. Change DIP switches 1 and 2 to the ON position (on Axial 2020 models this is to the Left, on Axial 2010 models this is Down) The first DIP switch configures the Axial to read boot parameter information saved in non-volatile RAM, instead of ?jam loading? default parameters. To configure the host.cmds file: Keystroke Function * On the Axial keyboard, press File Mngr Opens the File Manager window. * Highlight the /sys directory * Highlight the file labeled host.cmds * Read the file. Contains valuable information on configuring devices for ethernet communication. * Type the information listed and add the unique ethernet ID number you entered in the Boot Parameters above. * Press Ctrl + Enter Saves any changes and closes the window
User offline. Last seen 15 years 16 weeks ago. Offline
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Thanks again! I wasn?t lazy, too: we have a network adapter to ethernet, so we will try this one to get a connection... but that will be tomorrow. no other drives... hmmm. but only internally. using the external scsi connector it should work I guess? or - do you know a place to get some more of the MO?s. they are really hard to find here in germany (or we didn?t find them, only few at ebay but they are full now...) flo
John Henkel
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Hmmm. . . going deeper. . . given today's knowledge about having to use a crossover between 2 computers I would agree that it would be necessary, but somehow I don't think it was necessary for the older Axials. But, I could be mistaken. I do seem to remember that you can only PUT files not GET them or something like that. Unfortunately no othe drivers are built into the older Axial systems, so the MO is all you got. Good luck, JH
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Hi John, thanks for digging deep in your memories! I found the cable description in the install guide. The thing I don?t understand: Is there no cablecrossing needed? So both end of the cable have to look the same? Another thing: Would it be possible to connect another drive to the scsi port except MO? Flo
John Henkel
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User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
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Hi Flo, It's been a while for me, but my memory is that it was not as easy as you would expect to set this up. Atul will probably have to help me here. Since the older Axials were on proprietary h/w and not Windows NT, the networking was not as robust. There should be instructions around in the manuals?? I can't remember. You'll have to fill out the hosts file on each Axial with the respective IP addresses. That's about all I remember. Anyone else? -H