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Graphic animation in Kahuna

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User offline. Last seen 7 years 33 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 26 Oct 2005


I'm transforming a sequence of tga with alpha channel with Kahuna Manager. When I have a .sws file I importe this to the switcher and when I play this animation doesn't go fluidly. I think it's a problem of fields upper o lower but I don't know what it's the standard in PAL SDI. It's important to know if the graphics are SD or HD? I must to set up some specefic configuration or parameter?

Thank you,


Chris Schmidt
User offline. Last seen 14 years 30 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Oct 2005
Hola Enric, check these things: 1. When creating the sequence by double-clicking your first .tga, you must select (at the top) the output standard you want, and whether the .tgas are frame-based or interlaced. If you select a different standard here than what you are playing back, you will get uneven playback. 2. If you are using a clip transition, make sure that the transition length of the keyer matches the length of the clip. 3. (unlikely, but...) If you are only playing back, check the playback speed... Chris