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How to disable a crosspoint

4 replies [Last post]
Silvio Bacchetta
Silvio Bacchetta's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007

Hello, I'm scrolling to the manual to see if it's possible to disable a single crosspoint. I would like to assign nothing to a single crosspoint, or at least to disable the key.

Up to now, I do this using the live mode, but I would prefer a configuration I can store without the need to enable the live mode every time. I do not operate the switcher directly, and I have to remind the TD every time.

I can disable crosspoints on the older Sony 7250 I have in the facility, or on the couple of Kayaks around, so I'm misisng something. Can anyone help me?


Silvio Bacchetta
Silvio Bacchetta's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007
Gladly, but this is not up to me.
User offline. Last seen 4 years 18 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 18 Aug 2005
Hi Silvio, The current software release is version 3.4R7. You should upgrade both of the Kahunas to that software. Cheers, -= Ken =-
Silvio Bacchetta
Silvio Bacchetta's picture
User offline. Last seen 1 year 47 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 25 Oct 2007
Thanks a lot, I will try every method tomorrow. The latter seems to be the more interesting, I didn't try that. About the first one, I'm running v3.1 and maybe it is not present. I will check. A new 4 M/E switcher with v3.3 installed is packed in the basement... strange place to work, uh?
Chris Schmidt
User offline. Last seen 14 years 40 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 5 Oct 2005
Silvio, there are several ways to disable a button. - in User Config > Crosspoint Mapping, look for a switch which says "Enable: Yes/No". Note that by disabling a crosspoint (not simply a button), you are preventing it from being accessed anywhere, on any bus, not just on the M/E. This could be dangerous! - if you are using Button Maps, go to Panel Config > Button Map, edit the one(s) which you are using, and turn on "Disable" for the button in question. Save the button map. This only affects any M/E or Aux Banks where that map is loaded, and does not turn off any sources permanently. If you are not currently using Button Maps, consider doing so - they make life a lot easier. - you can also go to Panel Config > Button Info and select "Locate Button," push the one you want turned off, then look on the GUI for the "Function: Normal" button and turn that off. This method will only work if Clones are enabled - so you can turn the button back on very quickly by turning off "Clones Enable" on the panel (near the Live Mode button). This is saved in Panel Config. By the way - Live Mode is also saved in the Panel Config - so if you save that with Live Mode turned on, you'll never need to remind anyone again! Unless they turn it off themselves, in which case one presumes they know what they are doing... Chris