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Clip transition..

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User offline. Last seen 1 year 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Oct 2010

Dear Colleagues,

Is anyone have a training course on MVS-8000G helping me to Progress quickly in the operating and understanding the mixer' concept.

I wanna to know different ways to do the clip transition on any of M/E's and P/P bus by using macros and snapshot.

Thanks in advance. 


User offline. Last seen 1 year 20 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 23 Oct 2010

Hosko and Bob, thanks a lot...

hosko's picture
User offline. Last seen 6 years 14 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2008

Load the clip in a frame memory (I will assume you are using FM1+2 and that is setup to be User 1)

Save a snapshot of user 1, you need to go into the snapshot menu and make it a clip event.

Select FM1 xpt on a key (I will assume you are using PP Key1, I personally like to create key snapshots anytime I'm working with keys in a macro)

The macro is very simple.

1. Snapshot recall the User 1 snapshot

2. Key Snapshot recall the PP K1 snapshot

3. Pause (on a 1080i50 setup 4 frames seems to be the minimum)

4. Play FM1

5. Key Cut PP Key 1 on

6. Pause (how many frames you need)

7. ME Cut PP (assuming the clip goes full frame at some point if not use an auto tran)

8. Pause (again how many frames you need)

9. Key Cut PP Key 1 off

Bob Ennis
User offline. Last seen 5 years 28 weeks ago. Offline
Joined: 24 Aug 2005

A Key snapshot when combined with a macro as Hosko describes is definately the most flexible.  If you program one of your transition buttons to be a FM Transition (you can choose which pair of FM channels you want to use) and save the condition as an M/E snapshot, the clip will be automatically recalled as part of the M/E snapshot - no macro or Shotbox required...in addition, you can program a specific transition (cut, mix, DME, or any wipe) for the background that can match the clip, and do this on a snapshot-by-snapshot basis with each M/E snapshot calling up a different clip.  Using the FM transition menu, you can set the starting and ending points of the transition, so each FM clip can have a different undercut point or can track the FM clip right to the frame.  Best of all, you can run the whole thing by just pressing the M/E's AUTO TRANS button - or have your macro press it for you.  This method works well for effects that you don't have to be flexible on - meaning that unless you use the ignore feature of KEY HOLD, it's going to recall all of your keyers & key states.  If you're doing sports or a type of show that you never know what other keys are involved on your M/E, use Hosko's method.  If you're doing a pattern show where specific things happen at a specific time, then the M/E snapshot works well.

Bob Ennis